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  • Writer's picturesneha sharma

5 benefits of residential window tint

One reason that some people choose to use window tint is to reduce the amount of heat transferred into their home during the summer. Residential window film blocks up to 99% of the sun’s UV rays, which can increase energy efficiency in your home by cutting back on your cooling costs and reducing strain on your HVAC system. Window film also improves aesthetics by keeping glare out and offering a more uniform appearance across all windows, including storm doors and patio doors.

2) Residential Window Tint Keeps Home Cooler

The average cost for a whole house installation is about $700, according to the Energy Trust. Window tinting in San Antonio also helps to keep sunlight from coming into your home and warming up your furniture, floors, walls and ceilings. That heat can build up inside your home and make it difficult to get comfortable in the summertime.

3) Residential Window Tint Saves Money on Heating Costs

Tinting your windows can greatly reduce the amount of heat coming in through the glass and keep your home much cooler. The process also comes with a number of other benefits, including keeping in more heat during the winter and blocking out more harmful UV rays.

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