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  • Writer's picturesneha sharma

5 Important Tips One Should Follow To Ace NEET

While you may have looked at the exam pattern in the past to create a study plan for NEET. You must do the same before creating your revision plan for the last few weeks leading up to the examination. This is extremely important as once you know the kind of paper you can expect, the exam pattern, the level of difficulty of the questions asked and the distribution of marks for each question, you will mentally feel more confident when you walk into the exam hall. Use the last few weeks to really focus on the most important topics along with the topics that you are most comfortable with or enjoy studying. This will help you clearly identify your strengths and weaknesses, which is helpful while attempting the paper.

#2 Be thorough with your NCERT textbooks

The material covered in the NCERT textbook is the syllabus for the NEET exam. It is extremely important that a NEET aspirant knows the contents of the NCERT textbooks from cover to cover. Once the student has completed studying from the NCERT textbook, they can refer to other textbooks which may describe a concept differently or have extra questions for practice or some tips to excel in the examination.

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