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  • Writer's picturesneha sharma

Choosing the Right Agent: Responsive Vs. Aggressive

The common belief is that you must go with an aggressive agent because he or she will make sure that you get to sell your property fast. Some may even think that aggressive agents are great in selling properties like hotcakes. While these observations can be accurate sometimes, they are not applicable at all times.

Aggressive real estate agents will make sure that your property gets the spotlight, but doing so, you will have to pay the price. These agents may only go after their profit instead of considering the clients’ situations. They tend to be “pushy” and not considerate enough to give clients enough time to make a sound decision. Basically, some of these aggressive clients only think about one thing: sell the property fast, whatever the circumstances are.

If you are planning to have a wholesome home selling experience, you may want to pass on aggressive agents and instead, go with a responsive agent. A responsive real estate agent will make sure that your concerns, requests, and demands are all zeroed in. He or she will also be helpful force in every aspect and process of the home selling activity, making sure that you can easily contact and communicate with him or her. Furthermore, a responsive agent can adapt to different types of housing market scenarios while asserting for your interests and concerns. Simply put, if you are looking for real estate agents that will help you while not being hostile and impossible to deal with, you should hire the responsive ones.

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