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  • Writer's picturesneha sharma

How to Care for Your Eyebrows

Some men are happy to just leave their eyebrows alone. For the most part, as far as eyebrow care goes, eyebrow care isn’t mandatory unless you have thick eyebrows.

Eyebrow care for most men isn’t just about keeping your eyebrows in shape, most don’t even know they need eyebrow waxing. Eyebrow care is more than just making sure your eyebrows are trimmed to keep your face looking tidy, it’s also more about giving your eyebrows an overall clean look and finish.

When it comes to eyebrow waxing, you can usually do it yourself (though you’ll have to buy the actual products from your local retailer). You’ll need to be sure you’ve got the right equipment though, and that you’re able to wax without having a scratch on your skin. If you don’t mind having a bit of a blemish here and there, that’s perfectly acceptable.

So how exactly should you wax your eyebrow? The best way is with a tweezer or a special brush, these are usually used on thicker areas. To use them, apply to the area where you want the eyebrow wax and gently move it towards the edges. You don’t want to force the wax onto your skin, so simply use a gentle motion.

There are many different types of waxing techniques, depending on the kind of eyebrow you have. However, the two most common are eyebrow hair waxing and eyebrow waxing with a tweezer.

Eyebrow hair waxing requires you to gently rub the wax into the hair at the base of the eyebrow. This is a great option if you’re unsure of what to do. However, you may also find it’s best to use a tweezer. Because the tweezer doesn’t actually touch the skin, the hairs will be more evenly distributed.

When you apply eyebrow wax with a tweezer, remember to not overdo it. You don’t want your eyebrow to become too red, or swollen. Instead, simply use a little amount at a time. And remember to follow up with some moisturizer (like a moisturizing eye gel or eye serum), just to give your skin a little bit of extra protection.

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