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  • Writer's picturesneha sharma

Renovate places with composite wood decking

Tulou provides the best timber quality product for your residential and commercial properties. It provides you with highly durable timber wood decking so that your house can withstand any weather.

Why do we need composite wood decking?

Using natural wood for the wood decking can only last up to 10- 30 yrs. But if you go for composite wood decking, the wood will not degenerate or rot and be resistant to the attack of insects. Additionally, most composite decks are UV resistant, so they don’t fade or lighten like natural wood fades over a certain period.

Why choose Tulou for the service?

Composite timber is considered the best option for decking material, offering a wide range of benefits. Singapore is considered to have the worst weather conditions; this makes TULOU an excellent choice.

Several manufacturing advances eliminated issues like cracking or warping and color fading by tulou composite timber decks. They have an experience in this field for over 12 years and provide the best services within their reach.

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