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  • Writer's picturesneha sharma

The best accessories for home fitness

Since this mode of confinement, all sports halls have started to continuously disinfect everything that could be in contact and to allow all these members to wash their hands as regularly as possible.

The most recent effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus is social distancing. Several companies have asked their employees to work from home, especially in large urban centers. Whether or not this has affected you personally, if you go to the gym regularly, you will wonder:

Well, now what? How am I supposed to do the workouts I’m used to without going to the gym since all the gyms are closed while the cases of contamination are almost nil among the practitioners, not to mention the number of deaths due to contaminations which must more akin to zero than to the risk of a major pandemic.

All of this no longer has any interest now since, failing to think about the well-being of the general population, our rulers prefer to take refuge in COVID consumption by offering free tests (without any medical protocol afterwards) and wearing a mask. widespread outside which is only useful to muzzle the population but has no scientific and health basis.

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