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  • Writer's picturesneha sharma

The Fundamentals of the Defensive Driving

As a defensive driver, you can help avoid accidents and minimise your risk behind the wheel. If you have ever been on the road, you know that hardly everyone drives well — yet most people believe they do. Some drivers drive at a high rate of speed. Others stray into another lane because they are not paying attention. Drivers may follow too closely, make quick turns without signalling, or weave in and out of traffic. To be safe learn from new jersey defensive driving

Aggressive drivers are well-known road hazards, accounting for one-third of all traffic collisions. However, inattentive or distracted driving is becoming more of an issue as people “multitask” by talking on the phone, texting or checking messages, eating, or even watching TV while driving. You have no influence over other drivers’ actions. However, improving your defensive driving skills might help you avoid the dangers created by other people’s bad driving.

Controlling Skills

Before you step behind the wheel of that two-ton frame of glass and steel, here are some points to keep you in control

Maintain your attention, driving is largely a mental task, and you have a lot to think about when you are behind the wheel: road conditions, your speed and position, observing traffic regulations, signs, signals, road markings, following directions, being aware of the cars surrounding you, checking your mirrors, the list goes on. Staying focused on driving and only driving is essential for safe driving.

Maintain your vigilance, being attentive allows you to react swiftly to potential issues, such as when the driver in the car ahead slams on the brakes at the last second. Obviously, alcohol and drugs impair a driver’s reaction time and judgement. Learn about new jersey defensive driving

Driving while drowsy has the same effect and is one of the top causes of accidents. So, before your road trip, get some rest. Keep an eye out for the bad man. Staying in control includes being aware of other drivers and road users around you and what they may do unexpectedly, so you are less likely to be taken off guard. For example, if a car races passes you on the highway but there isn’t much room between the car and a slow-moving truck in the same lane, the driver would very certainly try to slip into your lane directly in front of you. Anticipating what another motorist could do and making the necessary adjustments reduces your risk.

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