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  • Writer's picturesneha sharma

Tips for Hydrating Your Skin in Simple Ways

What does moisturize your skin mean?

When skin is said to be dehydrated, it means that it lacks water. Concretely, this results in a feeling of tightness (especially after having been in contact with water), a dull complexion, sometimes even a rough texture to the touch. When we say that skin is dry, it is that it virtually lacks water, but also lipids (that is to say “fat”). Dry skin is prone to tightness (particularly on the cheeks) and often to redness.

How do you know if your discomfort is related to dry or dehydrated skin?

There is a simple and conclusive test! Before going to bed, apply moisturizer to an area where the skin appears wrinkled from lack of hydration. When you wake up, if the skin has smoothed, it is because it is simply dehydrated. On the other hand, if the wrinkles are still visible, it is dry and needs more in-depth repair.

Few tips to soften the life of your cells

To begin with: drink a lot. We’re talking about drinking water here and other drinks such as green tea (naturally rich in antioxidants). Alcohol should be limited, however. Indeed, to the list of its many effects that you undoubtedly know, you can add “powerful desiccant.”

Humidify the air, especially when the heating or air conditioning is on, and take the opportunity to slip essential oils, with many virtues, into the humidifier.

Protect your susceptible feet and hands, and if the need arises, take special care of them. Our hydrating tinted moisturiser in Singapore to find flexibility and freshness and fill up with softness.

Don’t skimp on any part of the body.

Even though dry or dehydrated skin is best seen when it comes to the face, any part of the body can experience this torment. The feet, hands, or even the elbows are sensitive areas. Your daily moisturizing actions aim to maintain the hydrolipidic film that covers the entire surface of the skin. Thanks to it, your body is protected. Therefore, it is a question of reconstructing this hydrolipidic film and then providing the water in quantity necessary to maintain healthy skin.

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