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  • Writer's picturesneha sharma

Urine Test Strips — Which is Best to Monitor Your Health

Not sure if you can pass a drug test or not? Basically, synthetic urine is the best way to pass a drug test as long as you follow the right steps. The great thing about this artificial urine is that it works like real urine. How to pass a urine drug test,Usually, such urine is used in laboratories to set up instruments for analysis.

What is synthetic urine?

It is a pre-mixed liquid. Specialists usually create this urine in laboratories for the purpose of calibrating drug testing instruments. In addition, this urine consists of components similar to real urine. In other words, the urine is similar in composition, appearance, gravity, pH level and other How to pass a urine drug test,characteristics to real urine. That is why it is used by most laboratory operators on a regular basis.

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