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  • Writer's picturesneha sharma

What is IV vitamin therapy?

Treatment for insomnia and assistance with sleep disorders via intravenous therapy

You will only feel exhausted if you get enough sleep. It might disturb gloom, malignant growth, stomach ulcers, and heart issues. Occasionally, sleep deprivation can last for

The following symptoms are typical of dehydration:

  • A dry or gummy mouth

  • Decreased or absent urine production

  • Weakness

  • Dizziness

  • Dark-colored

  • Concentrated urine

  • skin that takes longer to heal after being pinched and having headaches.

Diarrhea, vomiting, and seizures are all signs of dehydration, but receiving IV therapy is the quickest and most efficient method of restoring fluid balance.

IV therapy is frequently used to treat patients in the final stages of dehydration and require immediate fluid replacement, such as fainting or showing signs of heat stroke. It can take up to an hour for your body to filter through your bloodstream a liter of water.

IV therapy at home in Dubai

Get IV therapy in Dubai in the comfort of your home by Calling a Doctor. Contact their expert team for IV therapy at home and avail yourself of the service anytime, anywhere in Dubai. You can Call 800 200 400 or visit their website, , for more details.

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